Monday, July 16, 2007

Petaluma Adventures

We went to Petaluma as a trip. It was great!

I danced. It was fun.

Here's a picture of a shipwreck, nearby.

This is where they stored chocolate. I want chocolate!!!

This used to be a train station, but now it's a museum. I bought a postcard to send to my cousins Allie and Toby in Switzerland. Their blog is

This is where we had lunch on the second day. It was great. My parents even let me have fries even though they usually don't.

This used to be a refrigerator train car--or a refer, I should say. They carried refrigerators.

We picked blackberries off of a blackberry bush--and the blackberries tasted SO good!
They tasted so good that they were like grapes!

Mom ate the blackberries even though I told her not to!


Yodelemma said...

Allie wants to know why Aunt Sue wasn't allowe dto eat the blackberries....

Anonymous said...

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